



Please include my name with all the other Beloit students and alumni in saying “thank you” to the Beloit grads who are working with refugees and migrants around the world. I’m so proud of them and the compassion they bring into the lives of people struggling to get settled in a strange, new, 不总是友好的环境. And thanks, also, to the editor and staff of the magazine for the interesting articles and high quality journalism issue after issue.


The fall/winter issue of Beloit arrived at my home days after one of the horrific terrorist attacks, just as many governors and aspiring politicians scrambled to outdo one another by showing their willingness to slam America’s door on desperate refugees seeking safety and a better life for their families. This perverse competition added to the sinking feeling that too often accompanies reading the day’s newspaper.

所以读到《真人国际菠菜》是一件非常愉快的事,” the Beloit article that told how several young Beloit graduates are taking the opposite tack and devoting themselves to helping various refugee populations. 尽管每个人都在以不同的方式追求这个目标, 他们的工作符合我们国家所代表的真正精神, of course, 对培养他们的大学有很高的评价. 干得好,贝洛伊特!


在《菠菜白菜吧》的秋冬期上, I was really thrilled to see illustrated the connection between Beloit and refugees and anthropology. 作为一名伯洛伊特人类学专业的学生,他继续攻读应用人类学博士学位.D., I have been working in humanitarian programs and with refugees and displaced persons for 35 years. Anthropology is a natural fit with all the cultural and socio-economic challenges at every step of refugee support. The fact that Beloit grads are working with refugees in varying aspects is very gratifying and makes me proud of a wonderful school that helps facilitate and steer students in such a rewarding and valuable direction. The article also demonstrates very well the range of careers and activities that are possible in this field, 接受伯洛伊特大学提供的全面教育.


First, 坦白:一整年, 我一直在躲避伯洛伊特的筹款电话, 忽略所有608区号里的电话.

But reading “At the Crossroads of a Global Refugee Crisis” drove me immediately to Beloit’s website to find the “make a gift” button.

The stories of the varied and unexpected ways that alumni are translating what they learned and did at Beloit into important careers made me extremely proud of my affiliation with the college and ashamed of my recent stinginess. Kudos to each of these graduates for finding such creative ways to serve a particularly vulnerable population and also to the article’s author for telling their stories so well.

最后但同样重要的, this article provided a tribute to faculty who provide their students with powerful and lasting inspiration. 在我们国家历史上如此黑暗和令人沮丧的时刻, 这一提醒让我想起了伯洛伊特的相关性,给了我亟需的安慰.

大家干得好. Well done! 谢谢大家!




我们这些留在校园里的人想做一些同样有意义的事情. I was part of a hard working group that organized the Sympathy March from Beloit to the Wisconsin state capital, 和塞尔玛到蒙哥马利的距离差不多.

我们迅速动员起来,有很多事情要做. One of the first jobs was to go around to classes on the morning of the march and enlist faculty and student support.

那天早上游行者离开伯洛伊特时,我们坐在电话旁, 与警方和新闻媒体进行了交谈, 全天协助为游行者提供食物和饮料, 还帮我找了个过夜的地方.

到了晚上,我们在一个小教堂碰头,大家都在那里过夜. I was moved by the spirit of the marchers as we got to work tending to blistered feet.

The next morning, we walked the final miles to Madison and were met by Governor Warren P. 诺尔斯在州议会大厦.

It was one of my most memorable Beloit experiences and it happened because a group decided that if we couldn’t go ourselves we would offer as much support as possible. “青年的天真”(出自文章)对我们很有帮助.



你的秋冬特刊唤起了我对莫尔斯-英格索尔大厅的怀旧之旅. In the Friendly Room with its comfortable classic decor was where Mary Storer provided “choses curieuses” insights into French literature and David Soper described his virtual conversations with Arnold Toynbee and Fyodor Dostoevsky and C.S. Lewis. Taylor Merrill and his favorite American characters like Ben Butler inhabited the lecture hall recently vacated by Dickie Richardson. Late ’40s, 50年代早期的反叛以内裤突袭的形式出现, 把中学的门漆成红色, and, by night, 把一头骡子和干草偷运进莫尔斯-英格索尔的教室, where we were greeted one morning by the hay-munching mule and a bemused Taylor Merrill. 伟大的英国三重奏约翰·厄尔斯, Fred White, and Chad Walsh opened vistas way beyond the campus visible through those large translucent windows. May those traditions, cerebral and rebellious, never cease to embrace Morse-Ingersoll Hall.


祝我85岁生日快乐! I enjoyed reading the article about this grand old building that has been so much a part of Beloit’s history. 我们的公司,还有Klobucar建筑,Liechty & Associates, and Czarnecki Engineering are proud to have designed and constructed the 1996 renovations and addition to this campus icon.

Bill Henry
Kehoe-Henry & Associates Inc .).、建筑与工程


恭喜你又有了一本内容丰富的杂志. 从我的角度来看,你不需要改变任何东西! I was glad to see the piece on Bill Brown, who made organic chemistry palatable and even interesting. I was in his class the first semester he was at Beloit and thought he was an exemplary teacher. A few lectures in the class were handled by fellow chemistry professor William Rice who a few years later joined me on botany projects, 离开贝洛伊特之后, 在史密森尼自然历史博物馆从事植物学研究.

利顿Musselman 65


当WBCR宣布保留“摇滚”黑胶唱片时, folk, bluegrass, country, 新浪潮,人们一定会问:他们是不是把黑胶古典唱片给淘汰了?

我是WBCR的古典音乐程序员. 在1980年的冬天, 我决定演两晚, 通宵肖斯塔科维奇交响曲马拉松——全部15部交响曲, 七夜, 下一个八. 每隔半小时我就起床,翻翻唱片,然后又打起盹来. 我很可能在介绍每首交响曲时都说了些什么. 重要的是我玩了所有的游戏,超过14个小时.



Editor’s Note: Station manager Nora Kane’16 assures us that classical music is still represented among WBCR’s vinyl collection.


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