



有些人在你的生活中留下了不可磨灭的印象. 莱斯·麦卡利斯特就是其中之一. 1969年秋天,当我来到伯洛伊特校园时, he became my faculty adviser 和 guided me through the many crises 和 joys of being 17, 理想主义,缺乏对自我的认识. 他的幽默感, 好奇心, 勤勉地引导我走向成熟, 但最重要的是, 他对我和我能力的信任, 产生了一种自信,增强了我的生活. I cannot help but smile when I remember the many hours sitting in his office being scolded by him, 这个人如此认真地对待代替父母的概念. 像所有伟大的向导一样,他可能已经去世了,但他将永远活在我的记忆中.


麦克死了,我很难过. 据《伯洛伊特学院杂志》报道,他于去年10月去世,享年94岁, 但我今天读到的时候还是个新闻. 他是个好老师,也是个好人. 就像最好的创始人和导师一样,他是一个难以效仿的榜样.

我上次见到他已经40多年了, 所以即使他去世了,他在我生命中的地位仍然完好无损. The man must have left fragments of immortality all over the place in the lives of his students. 当我告诉我的孙子们大学生活的时候, 它最好的状态是什么, 关于他的故事广为流传.

像我的大多数同学一样, I spent much of the first years finding out what different disciplines had to offer. (对我来说,更重要的是找出它们到底是什么.) I can remember the reaction of the head of the physics department when he heard I had Mac for an introductory economics class: “There goes another science student.麦克当时是系主任,还在教授入门课程.

It took me a long time to realize that what captured me in Mac’s classes was not economics, 但他对这门学科的热情. 我在这里并没有轻易使用“激情”这个词. I suspect the only wear on the heels of his shoes occurred when he leaned back to read what he’d written on the board. 除此之外, 他大部分时间都在用脚掌旋转, 给我们一些想法, 寻找漏洞. I don’t think he taught like he played tennis; I suspect it was quite the opposite.

吉姆Maloy 67


I immensely enjoyed Joe Engleman’s feature story on what the Field Term meant to that interesting selection of the 5,大约有000人有过这样的经历. 我为他们和他们同时代的人鼓掌, 是谁决定来伯洛伊特的部分原因, 如果不是尽管, 实习机会/要求.

米勒·厄普顿总统明智地招募了两个完全互补的灵魂, 休·艾伦(梦想家和激励者)和约翰·比斯特(现实主义者和组织者), 让它在1964年起飞,并在各种天气下保持航行.

最后, hats off to the faculty who embraced this decidedly un-academic part of the new 贝洛伊特 Plan, 董事会也有最终决定权. Those were heady days for all players in this chapter in the life of 十大菠菜台子, 通过这样做,使自己更接近一个不断变化的国家和广阔的世界.

P.S. Thanks also for Jon Haller’s’02 entertaining 和 insightful article on the “juggling” act of “Writing for Television.“我绝对记得蒂姆·艾伦的导演约翰·帕斯昆1967年的校园生活, 并不是说我对他有丝毫的影响. 我只记得他是个迷人又有才华的人, 和其他许多人一样, 我很享受他在这个行业工作的成果. 我们所有的船都是由这样的校友提起来的.


在你关于密西西比贝洛伊特辅导中心的专业术语的文章中, 你写道,这个中心是一个“大学外展项目”.“实际上, 这完全是学生策划的行动, as the college was too conservative at that time to have any association with the center. I had brought the idea back to campus after my field term with the Delta Ministry in Clevel和, 小姐. 和其他学生一起, we raised all the funds to support the center 和 four tutors for the following semester.

现在的学生认不出迎接我们的是哪所大学, 1968届毕业生, 1964年进入. 我们发现了一个非常保守的管理和非多样化的学生团体. 食堂不准穿蓝色牛仔裤, 星期日在餐厅不能穿正式服装, 所有学生都被迫参加至少一些(新教)教堂, 在跳舞的队伍里, only the African-American student’s IDs were checked (white students walked right in). 当然, 所有这些情况都是通过牺牲缓刑而改变的, 驱逐, 还有逮捕记录. The national sentiment was split 50-50 for 和 against the Civil Rights movement in general, 再加上政府的保守性质, 正式来说,学院与中心没有任何关系.

说句公道话,教堂的院长,牧师. Andy Clark helped us organize the Sympathy with Selma march to Madison 和 sent some of us to Hattiesburg, 小姐.在三角洲部培训成为民权工作者. 这次培训最终促成了该中心的学生组织.

E. 德雷克斯戈弗雷68

I spent my Field Term working for the Fulbright Commission for Cultural 和 Educational Exchange with Iran in the Tehran office. In 1967, Tehran was a key city in the region 和 there was a large British, French, Russian, 和 U.S. 存在. I hadn’t really studied that region of the world before I arrived but came away with treasured memories of a rich culture with an amazing history. 如果你想真正了解历史,那就去波斯波利斯. My lifelong belief that we are a global society 和 that we must work on underst和ing 和 respect for one another began in those long ago halcyon days.

Suzi gates over69年

I will never forget arriving on campus for our first term in the fall of 1978 和 being told that the 贝洛伊特 Plan was dead. 和其他许多人一样, I was in shock—the creativity of the Plan 和 the promise of field terms was one of my main reasons for selecting 贝洛伊特. 像大多数, I ended up sticking around 和 was lucky enough to create a “贝洛伊特 Plan” of my own, 包括两次国外研讨会和在巴黎的暑期工作. I can only hope that students of today are inspired by this retrospective to find a way to live their dreams within the modern construct of a college education—my own 17-year-old is on that path herself.

琳达Lamppert 82


听到艾伦·帕特里金教授去世的消息,我很难过. 我认识他时,他是贝洛伊特大学最后一支参加通用电气大学碗比赛的球队的教练, 在常识测验中让学校对抗学校的电视节目. 我们出现在11月11日的节目中. 8, 1969, 和 were trounced by the team from Bradley University in their fourth consecutive appearance. 我们失败不是因为我们不努力,而是因为我们太着急了, we tended to hit the buzzer before the question was finished 和 before its denouement was clear. And definitely not for lack of training: Professor Patriquin had us meeting for weeks beforeh和 和 drilled us on Nobel Prize winners, 文学, 人类学, 和, 是的, 哲学和宗教——兼收并蓄的贝洛伊特教育的所有元素. 他是个有风度的人,尽管我们辜负了他和贝洛伊特.



A recent article in 十大菠菜台子 Magazine about campus archaeology brought back some fond memories. 那是1960年,我大四的春季学期. 我们都有足够的学分毕业.

约翰·马丁60, 我的好朋友,主修人类科学, 问我和1961年的努巴尔·斯拉比安是否愿意帮助人类部. They had offered a course to excavate one of the Indian mounds, but not enough people had signed up. 约翰告诉医生. 戈弗雷, 这个部门的领导, that he could probably get two of his buddies to take the course so there would be enough students to offer the class. 协议是保证我和努比得C, 我们不需要做任何作业, 我们不需要做任何测试. 我们所要做的就是站在旁边看着. 我们同意.

After several weeks of st和ing around 和 being bored, we decided to have some fun. Another friend, Fred Surls’61, was a math major 和 spent time in the astronomy lab 和 observatory. Fred had found a rat skull in the basement of the building 和 we decided to bury the skull in one of the dig areas. 它是被一个学生发现的,他非常兴奋. 既然效果这么好, 约翰得到了一个箭头,上面有学校的库存编号,我们把它埋了, which also led to a very excited student until the class 和 the instructor realized that it had already been inventoried.

我们的身份暴露了,但我们还是得了C. I assume it’s safe to tell this story as the statute of limitations has run out on our pranks.

比尔Domm 60


第一个, 我要感谢15届的凯特琳·帕特森, 莎拉·米勒的15, 以及15岁的哈利·托马斯(Haleigh Thomas)在伯洛伊特学院(十大菠菜台子)从事性侵犯方面的工作. I’d also like to thank Lynn Vollbrecht’06 和 十大菠菜台子 Magazine for writing 和 publishing the story.

作为性侵的男性幸存者, 我想提醒大家,这些问题影响到所有人, 不论性别或性取向. I applaud the inclusion of males in the MASV group 和 as supporters to their partners.

话虽如此,让我们记住性侵犯并没有歧视. I know how difficult it is as a male to find support—we are often seen as only the perpetrators, 很少作为幸存者. I am proud that 十大菠菜台子 students continue to endeavor to address difficult 和 complex issues.

尼克狼' 07


在一个关于伯洛伊特的田野研究的故事中, 我们发布了一些关于76年卡罗琳·布卡特大厅的错误细节, 她在旧金山的普雷西迪奥学校完成了她的学期. 卡罗琳出生在波士顿, 不是纽约, 她在贝洛伊特大学主修历史, 不是教育, 正如我们所报道的.


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