鲍勃Arnebeck 69


Veronica Pedraza’02 originally chose her major to get in to law school, but today her rhetoric and discourse background helps her talk about the award-winning, 她生产的农场奶酪. What’s more, her very existence on a central New York farm is helping to preserve rural land and a vanishing way of life.

Sipping italian white wine and eating sheep’s milk cheese with Veronica Pedraza’02 raises the question: Why isn’t everybody in the Beloit family a farmstead cheesemaker? 就像很多来伯洛伊特的人一样, 她解压, 从大城市到小镇, 开始寻找自我.

“Originally, 我来自迈阿密, Florida, 当我来到伯洛伊特时,我受到了很大的文化冲击,佩德拉萨说. “我从未见过玉米地,从未见过雪. My father’s from Cuba and 70 percent of the population of Miami is Spanish speaking. 在伯洛伊特,我感觉自己是在真正的美国. 我吃了很多奶酪. 我从没见过这么多红肉和全脂牛奶. 我花了一段时间才适应贝洛伊特, 但我很清楚我想去那里上学.”

After a few detours post-Beloit, 她解压 even more, to a farm. 伯洛伊特大学的文科经历照亮了这条路.

“我和大多数情人一样, there’s a kind of sense of social justice that people pursue with their education, 我认为农村经济问题往往从未得到解决,” she says. “The way I look at cheese is that this is a way to keep this farm from being developed into condos.”

That said, none of the courses she took at Beloit prepared her for making cheese.

“我没有上过科学课, and I went to Beloit primarily because I realized I didn’t have to take math to graduate, 现在我一直在用数学. The problem was, no one ever explained to me that I could use any of that stuff to make cheese. 我为什么要知道可滴定的酸度?”


She majored in rhetoric and discourse and sociology to prepare for law school. 她有信心, 分析性的思维, 以及成为一名好律师的热情, and, fortunately, 就像一个优秀的文科毕业生, 她是无所畏惧的, 所以她尝试了一些完全不同的东西.

Like many Beloit experiences, it wasn’t just class work that made a difference. 佩德拉萨靠在贝洛伊特酒店做饭来支付大学学费. She took advantage of an exchange program, taking her last semester in Morocco. She was fascinated by restaurants where they killed the chicken after you ordered. She decided to bring that experience to America and make food “fresh, real, and delicious.”

Five years in the restaurant kitchens of Chicago didn’t offer any chance to liberate food. So in 2007, 在回佛罗里达的路上, she stopped at Sweet Grass Dairy in Georgia and got a job as an apprentice cheesemaker. Two years later, she became a creamery manager at Jasper Hill Farm in Vermont. She’s been operations manager at Meadowood Farm in New York state since 2012, 被他们的东弗里西亚羊群吸引.

佩德拉萨知道市场上充斥着手工牛奶奶酪, 羊奶奶酪有更多的挑战和更多的奖励, 更多的蛋白质和脂肪. “更多的蛋白质意味着更多的奶酪,更少的牛奶,”她解释说. “更多的脂肪意味着更多的味道.”

草地农场Veronica Pedraza The sheep graze on a 225-acre spread east of Cazenovia Lake in central New York just southeast of Syracuse. Lake-effect snow buffs know that can mean 20 feet of snow in the winter. The impulse to save the farm from developers came from two Washington, D.C., investors who restored the farm buildings and brought livestock and the people to handle them. Pedraza’s sheep’s milk cheese brings in the money to pay the salaries and property tax.

“我负责市场营销和销售. I do all the administrative things and human resources,她解释道 with a laugh. 这个农场有七个雇员. 佩德拉萨是一个坚强、负责任的女人,但她不给羊挤奶. She collaborates with those who do and with the farm manager in charge of the pasture.

“牧场质量最终会影响牛奶质量,她解释道, 因为牧场是羊的食物来源. “我希望我的奶酪尝起来像来自这个农场.”

Ax blade scars in rude planks and joists greet Pedraza every morning as she goes out the back of the farm house and walks past the murmuring sheep. She has a few moments to savor the dew and then she’s in a white paint and stainless steel world with blue sanitizing pellets on the floor. 她打趣道:“FDA检查员喜欢看到这一点。.

草地农场Veronica Pedraza 现在是节奏和正直的时候了. Music blasts as Pedraza’s team of three cleans all surfaces and cleans some more. 清洁是必须的. When capturing the taste of the pasture, the dirt and manure can’t hitch a ride. 奶酪必须是纯的,即使它是由细菌产生的.

In the history of cheese, America is famous for industrial scale production. American farmstead cheesemakers go back to the Old World for culture. Her sheep’s milk is “direct vat inoculated” with bacteria from France, 她解释说,这是一个细菌的缩影, yeast, and mold. “这就像他们生活的星球,”她说. “Cheeses are living things that breathe and they need oxygen to ripen.”


“牛奶总是在变,”佩德拉萨解释说. “You are basically trying to make the same product, but the major ingredient is never the same. We have instrumentation that lets us know in real time what our fat and what our protein is. The challenge is to keep doing it over and over and make a consistently good cheese.”

音乐也是必须的. “It helps with the tempo because a lot of cheese making is being in a rhythm, 拥有流动, 流动的处于流动状态的,” she says. One morning that motion ended with 320 molds of cheese made from 90 gallons of sheep’s milk. 多亏了她桌上pH计旁边的电子笔记本, she knows all she scientifically can about that cheese and every other batch she made before.

The flow doesn’t stop in the refrigerated room where the cheese ages, but the science does. 是她在伯洛伊特主修专业的时候了.

“我认为所有的营销都是花言巧语,”她说. 佩德拉萨用当地历史人物的名字为她的奶酪命名, 然后找到合适的语言来表达, 有时还会展望奶酪的未来:“健壮。, meaty, and built for the pint;” sometimes inspired by the pH meter and the music of James Brown: “lactic and funky, 带着一点谷仓的味道.”

她没有把剩下的工作留给美食经销商. 她每个月去一次纽约, Boston, Philadelphia, 或者芝加哥,在那里她畅所欲言,分享她的奶酪.

她每年都要和其他奶酪匠一起挤一次. This year, Meadowood’s Ledyard cheese won a first place prize in the category of “American Originals” sheep’s milk cheese at the American Cheese Society competition and convention—the farm’s first blue ribbon. 去年在同一个大会上, 专家评判1,两轮779个奶酪, 美学和技术, 盲测. Pedraza’s Rippleton sheep’s milk cheese with that taste of the barnyard won a second place ribbon in a farmstead cheese category. 她认识获得第三名绶带的人, 缅因州温特希尔农场的奶酪制作师, 但大学毕业后就没见过他了, 史蒂夫汉堡的01.


草地农场Veronica Pedraza

鲍勃·阿内贝克1969年是一名自由撰稿人, historian, 博物学家,他把自己的时间都花在圣. 劳伦斯河和52英亩的森林和沼泽.



Meadowood Farms sells its farmstead cheeses in a self-serve retail space located on the farm. 你也可以在这些高档食品零售商那里找到它们:

  • 萨克森比奶酪商,纽约州.Y.
  • Foster Sundry,纽约州.Y.
  • Formaggio Kitchen,波士顿,马萨诸塞州.
  • 露西乳清,纽约,纽约州.Y.
  • 谷牧羊人乳品厂,长谷,N.J.
  • 田园奶酪,面包 & Wine,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州.
  • Fairfield & 康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德的格林威治奶酪公司.
  • Talbott & 阿丁,哈德逊,N.Y.
  • 安东内利奶酪店,奥斯汀,德克萨斯州
  • 诚实体重食品合作社,奥尔巴尼,N.Y.
  • DiBruno Bros.宾夕法尼亚州费城.
  • 密歇根州安娜堡的Zingerman熟食店.
  • 西山农民,曼利厄斯,n.n.Y.


  • Reid Libby’16 sings an impromptu tribute to theatre professor John Kaufmann.



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