April 30, 2021

Hats Off to Beloit

In honor of Beloit’s 175th anniversary year, we round up five chapters in the college’s history that speak to the spirit of this place over time. Archivist Emeritus Fred Burwell’86 assisted us with the project and tipped us off to this curious photograph, featuring members of the class of 1887 who seem to be anticipating a reason to celebrate. One of these hats, the one on our cover, still resides in Archives, making a tactile connection to Beloit’s rich past.

This momentous 175th year of the college sent us hunting for stories that illuminate Beloit’s spirit over time. Among the many treasures we uncovered in past alumni magazines, college histories, and College Archives are five chapters in the life of the college that reflect this remarkable institution’s character.

The intrepid Mabel Lee (second row, far left) led Beloit's early physical education program for women with intramural sports such as fiel...

A Brief History of Women at Beloit

Beloit took its sweet time when it came to admitting women to the college. In fact, the campus was a man’s world until trustees voted in 1895 to admit women ‘quietly and without ado.’

Student activists take over Middle College, turning it into a Black Cultural Center in 1969.

Student Activists Make Their Mark

From the Freedom Rides of the early 1960s to student advocacy for an integrated curriculum in the 1990s to Black Lives Matter today, Beloit students have pushed the college and the country forward, especially toward racial justice.

Fran Stahr'51 was one of five players known as the Bucket Brigade on Beloit's pivotal 1950-51 team. Then-student Ray Metzker

A Decade of Dominance and Half a Century of Success

Men’s basketball at Beloit rocketed to a national stage in the 1940s and ’50s, followed by another four decades of sustained success. But in between, Beloit’s outsized triumphs in the sport were touched by a scandal.

Ying Pang'90, shown in 1989, stands in front of Middle College holding a computer science textbook.

Becoming an International College

Beloit’s first forays into international education started with missionary work. As the college’s international outlook evolved, it led to developments like a historic exchange program with a top Chinese university and an integrated approach that thrives today. 

Beloit's library shown in the early 1960s.

The Beloit Plan: A Unique Experiment

The Beloit Plan, with its year-round curriculum and emphasis on experience in new learning environments, was a complete rethinking of what a college education should be. It attracted an extraordinary cohort of students and produced a remarkable generation of alumni.

Also In This Issue

  • Ying Pang’90, shown in 1989, stands in front of Middle College holding a computer science textbook.

    Becoming an International College

  • Ranjan Roy

    Seven Faculty and Staff Receive Emeriti Honors


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