
十大菠菜台子 students from three departments visited the Art Institute of Chicago and the Pilsen Neighborhood (Lower West side) as part of their coursework. 参加这次旅行的还有一些学生 策划 & 沟通渠道. This multi-disciplinary excursion to Chicago was generously funded by 十大菠菜台子’s Career Ready Programming Fund.

Dr. Gana Ndiaye和Logan博物馆助理馆长Leeann Ream with ANTH 275 Global Cities students. Dr. Gana Ndiaye和Logan博物馆助理馆长Leeann Ream with ANTH 275 Global Cities students.

3月30日星期六th 十大菠菜台子 descended upon Chicago for enriching experiences at the Art Institute of Chicago and the Pilsen Neighborhood (Lower West side).

皮尔森社区小组由比尔森博士领导. Gana Ndiaye和Logan博物馆助理馆长Leeann Ream, 是由Ndiaye教授的ANTH 275全球城市课程组成的吗, an introduction to urban anthropology with a focus on cities as places of contradictions. 课堂上讨论的话题, 比如跨国移民, 教育, 青年文化, 城市艺术, 在皮尔森社区之旅中亲眼看到的吗. The class went on a guided walking tour of murals in the community that document the immigrant experience and embody cities as canvas.

Dr. 加纳·恩迪亚耶(Gana Ndiaye)的ANTH 275全球城市课程在皮尔森社区徒步旅行 Dr. 加纳·恩迪亚耶(Gana Ndiaye)的ANTH 275全球城市课程在皮尔森社区徒步旅行Zona Evans’26, a student in the class, learned that “a lot of building doors are below ground level. 因为皮尔森是在地下污水处理系统实施之前建成的, 当他们在社区里安装了污水处理系统, 而不是挖开道路,把它们埋在街道以下, 管道安装在原来街道的上方. Concrete was then poured over it, making the street level much higher than it was originally. 正因为如此, 现在大多数建筑都有多个门, 一个在地面以下,一个在地面以上.”

班上的另一个学生, 卡西科瓦尔斯基的26, 反映出导游, “effortlessly blended the city’s history with the lived experiences of the people living there. I believe it cut to the core purpose of the class (Global cities) that inspired this trip. It helped further my understanding of cities as both places with their own stories and conduits for the livelihood of the people that live in them.” In addition to the neighborhood tour, the group also visited the National Museum of Mexican Art.

Dr. Sonya Johnson's CRIS 325 Movements Within the African Diaspora on tour with docent at the Art Institute of Chicago. Dr. Sonya Johnson's CRIS 325 Movements Within the African Diaspora on tour with docent at the Art Institute of Chicago.第二组学生参观了芝加哥艺术学院. Dr. Sonya Johnson的CRIS 325非洲侨民运动, along with Wright Museum Curator Christa Story’s ARTH 245 Modernism and Postmodernism, started their day with a guided tour through art of the African diaspora in the galleries of the Art Institute. Dr. Johnson’s course is designed to engage concepts and theories associated with perspectives used to understand the complexities of the socio-historical, 政治, 和神圣的背景,启发了非洲的表达形式, 喜欢艺术.

Dr. Sonya Johnson's CRIS 325 Movements within the African Diaspora on tour at Art Institute of Chicago. Dr. Sonya Johnson's CRIS 325 Movements within the African Diaspora on tour at Art Institute of Chicago.Story的Mod/Postmod班的学生能够看到, 在人, 他们整个学期都在学习的作品. 例如,他们经历(并参与)了fsamlix Gonzàles-Torres’s “无题”(罗斯在洛杉矶的肖像.A.) (1991). 他们还进行了慢速观看和在百科全书式博物馆中导航的练习. Natalia Dominique Ortega’24 walked away with this to say of her visit: “The curated selection of artworks, 他们在画廊里的位置, and the creation of thematic sequences weave a compelling narrative that invites interpretation and ignites our artistic curiosity. A visit to the Art Institute isn’t just about viewing individual paintings; it’s about stepping into a world where curation becomes an art form in and of itself. 通过展示杰出的艺术品, 提供深刻的背景, 并促进与游客的对话, 艺术学院提供了一个真正身临其境和变革性的艺术体验.”

Wright Museum Curator Christa Story's ARTH 245 Modernism and Postmodernism engage with Félix Gonzàles-Torres's &#82... Wright Museum Curator Christa Story's ARTH 245 Modernism and Postmodernism engage with Félix Gonzàles-Torres's “无题”(罗斯在洛杉矶的肖像.A.) (1991).

除了两个班谁参观了芝加哥艺术学院, 策展频道也派代表出席. Several students spent the day perusing the galleries of the Art Institute on their own and sitting down for lunch together. These meaningful group visits to the Art Institute are made possible by the University Partner program.

The multi-disciplinary excursion to Chicago was generously funded by 十大菠菜台子’s Career Ready Programming Fund.


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