
下山 和 into the community: fellows demonstrate the 贝洛伊特 impact

2023年秋季发射 影响贝洛伊特社区研究员计划 is helping develop the next generation of community leaders, says Tim Leslie’89, 影响贝洛伊特 职业执行董事兼副总裁 & 专业发展.

The year-long program pairs high-achieving seniors with a community 合作伙伴 organization to give them h和s-on experience 和 an opportunity to learn 更多的 about the city 和 being an engaged citizen.

该学院与Hendricks CareerTek合作, 贝洛伊特国际电影节, 社区行动, 大伯洛伊特的家族承诺, 嘉里集团, Stateline男孩和女孩俱乐部, Todd Elementary School to ensure the greatest impact for students 和 the community. “We’re training well-rounded humanistic leaders who embody the ethos of the liberal arts,莱斯利说。, “跨学科学习, 沟通, 批判性思维, 和协作.” The program links to the college’s other community-based learning 和 career-readiness programs — 职业工作, 社区连接, 校友联系.


尼科Doret的24 at a booth for 贝洛伊特国际电影节 BIFF rep Nico Doret’24 keeps it “reel” at the Local to Global Career Fair at the Powerhouse.两年前, 尼古拉斯·"尼科"·多雷特24年, a 媒体研究 利伯蒂维尔的专业, 伊利诺斯州, took Leslie’s Art of Leading course in which students created the blueprint for 影响贝洛伊特. The following summer in a work-study position, Doret worked with Leslie to build the program. 蒂姆想出了一个类似达菲的程序, 我的工作是设想它可能采取的形式,多雷说.

由于他的早期参与, 还有他对电影的兴趣, 摄影, 和创业, Doret’s fellowship with 贝洛伊特国际电影节 (BIFF) was a perfect fit. “在伯洛伊特与人们见面是一次很棒的经历,他说, noting that one of the strengths of the program is that it lasts a full academic year. “我无法想象只有一个学期.”

格雷格•杰拉德, BIFF执行董事, has been impressed by Doret’s professionalism in filling the roles of personal assistant, 联络, 合作伙伴, 和发声板. “Nico帮助BIFF与校园更加融合. 他消除了繁文缛节, 开通沟通渠道, helped me craft programs that pair BIFF 和 the campus in meaningful ways.”

Doret spent the first semester learning 项目管理 和 this spring is working on ticketing 和 logistics for the April film festival. “我在练习我学到的技能, 比如交流礼仪, 项目管理, 和协作, 它帮助我从课堂过渡到工作场所,他说.

Gerard也期待着下一个学期与Doret一起工作. “He’s among the best of the new wave of young people soon to be heading into the executive workforce.”


夏奇拉威尔逊的24 supervises a craft project with children at Merrill Community Center. 夏奇拉威尔逊的24 supervises a craft project with children at Merrill Community Center.

夏奇拉威尔逊的24我主修双学位 跳舞社会学 from Chicago, has become a role model in her Merrill Community Center internship. The center provides programs 和 resources for low-income youth in 贝洛伊特’s Merrill neighborhood, which has the city’s highest rates of both unemployment 和 percentage of minority residents.

“It’s been great for the young people in our neighborhood to see a bright, intelligent young woman who looks like them who’s a college student 和 excelling, 看到这一切都是可能的,马克·佩里说。, 美林的执行董事.

威尔逊的实习工作包括担任青年项目教师, 在课后项目中提供家庭作业辅导, 舞蹈教学, 组织工艺美术活动. “I love working with the kids,” she says with a smile, it’s clear that the kids look up to her.

威尔逊通过芝加哥学者找到了伯洛伊特学院, 一个针对第一代大学生的项目, 还有一次是在大学, she began working with Black Citizens of 贝洛伊特 through the Duffy Partnerships. 她的导师, 社会学教授Kate Linnenberg, 带着她所谓的“绝佳机会”来找她.”

Wilson is making an impact at Merrill, gaining a better underst和ing of herself. “我学会了如何管理孩子和发挥领导作用. Kids feel your energy, so it’s important to be positive when you go into the room. 我现在知道我想继续和孩子们一起工作,”她说.

佩里对威尔逊所做的工作给予了高度赞扬. “夏奇拉是一位有着光明未来的优秀年轻女性,他说, 我很欣赏她为这里的孩子们树立的榜样.”

Though she’s from the big city, Wilson says she feels right at home in the small town of 贝洛伊特.


马特·奥利里的23 Matt O'Leary’23 is living the dream behind the scenes with the 贝洛伊特 Sky Carp baseball club.自从贝洛伊特天鲤鱼队的ABC供应体育场于2021年开放以来, the 海盗 baseball team has played one series there each season. 为 马特·奥利里的23, an 经济学 来自伊利诺斯州克拉伦登山的专业 海盗 内野手, the Sky Carp internship introduced him to another side of the stadium: the game’s sports marketing 和 entertainment aspects.

奥利里, 全美国的二垒手, is working with team president Zach Brockman on projects that include pricing 和 ballpark experience research 和 analysis. “It’s been rewarding to see behind the scenes of a game 和 everything that goes into creating a wonderful fan experience,奥利里说, 眺望着体育馆崭新的比赛场地. “This work has forced me to think in different ways than inside the classroom. 我不得不创造性地思考, 问题一出现就解决, 并有效地汇编数据和发现. My time with the Sky Carp is teaching me what it takes to run a successful small business.”

今年春天, 奥利里 will attend a sales seminar to learn how to make sales calls, work on ballpark promotions at the college 和 in the surrounding area.

“马特的表现非常出色,”布罗克曼说. “A prerequisite for this business is a love of the sport, obviously he has that. Combine that with his passion for business, it’s been a great 合作伙伴ship.”

对于奥利里, working for the Sky Carp — the Miami Marlins’ minor league High-A affiliate — has opened his eyes to the possibility of combining his interest in business with his love of baseball. “I feel like I’ve come full circle, having played here 和 now working behind the scenes,他说. “我来伯洛伊特是为了打棒球, it has opened doors for me — made connections that I don’t think would have been possible at a larger school.”


The 影响贝洛伊特 Fellowship program is bringing students 和 the college off the hill 和 into the community, the college’s new experiential learning initiative is already benefiting the city, 还有那些把这里称为家的学生.


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