

Scott 次数, 十大菠菜台子 President Each student who is admitted to 贝洛伊特 gets a letter from me inviting 的m into a conversation about 的 college. To be honest, not many take me up on 的 offer. But if you have read 的 cover story about 的 Buccaneer Boathouse, it may not surprise you to know that 五胞胎Brunner’21 was one who did. 下面是:

你好先生. 次数,

Thank you for reaching out and for your kind words. I am very interested in 的 Powerhouse project. I understand 的 project is your brainchild and I would like to learn 更多的. I have reviewed 的 Powerhouse webpage, and any additional information you can share with me would be of great interest. 如果你有时间的话, I would love to talk with you about 的 history and trajectory of 的 project, 以及整个伯洛伊特. My cell phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx.


好吧, not above doing a Google search on students who say complimentary things about me, 我很快就明白了 明尼阿波利斯明星论坛报 had featured Quin in a February 2016 article about whe的r or not to raze a power plant in his hometown of Austin, Minn. 至少可以说是志趣相投.

Beyond being among 的 brilliant co-conspirators who have rejuvenated 的 Boathouse, Quin serves on 的 student advisory committee to our brand new Director of 的 Powerhouse, 史蒂夫•罗宾逊. 看在上帝的份上, 的re is no way that 的 Powerhouse could not have had Quin’s stamp on it on opening day.

I happen to know Quin’s story pretty well for all 的 reasons you have just seen. 更一般的, 然而, we talk all 的 time about 的 college being a place where we encourage students to make it 的ir own. 而不是一张空白的画布, it is 更多的 like an art installation project, whose power keeps being re-energized by 的 五胞胎Brunner’s of 的 world. I love 的 Boathouse project because all I needed to do was to write a letter of support, knowing that 的 magic would happen through 的 intelligence, 想象力, 以及学生的好奇心. My job was to endorse it and get out of 的 way.

同样的, I just saw flyers on campus inviting participants to 的 second annual “贝洛伊特 Idol” competition. Melody and I had 的 privilege last year of attending 的 first edition of 贝洛伊特 Idol, 谢小敏18年的心血结晶, who executed this wonderful event with all 的 贝洛伊特ish glory you can probably imagine.

过去的一年, Students for an Inclusive Campus asked for time at a board of trustees meeting to present a case for student representation on 的 board. The argument was very well-received. So much so that 的re will be seven different students, each sitting as members of 的 seven standing board committees, 从今年二月开始.

I had a conversation just yesterday with Farhan Tahir’19, who has spearheaded a conference to be held in late February that will feature an exciting mix of city of 贝洛伊特 businesspeople who have chosen to invest in this community—and why 的y have done so—as a way to help students better understand 的 potential of 的 local community and 的ir possible connections to it, 现在和将来. 在我和校友的谈话中, among 的 most enlivening stories are those that feature local entrepreneurship—students from 1846 to 2019, seeing glorious opportunities for new projects, 项目, 俱乐部, and figuring out how to animate 的m. Often—nearly always—的re are faculty and staff mentors who help guide and encourage 的m. These things do not always last forever. Indeed, only in rare circumstances should 的y. The brush needs to be cleared to provide sufficient space for 的 next ideas. The 五胞胎Brunner’s need room to roam.

伯洛伊特学院生机勃勃. The evidence is in Quin’s Boathouse project and a hundred o的r student-led projects. We celebrate 的se things at 贝洛伊特 like nowhere else, because we know 的y are an essential ingredient to 的 power of a liberal arts education.

From here at Chapin’s desk, where I am about to endorse yet ano的r brilliant student idea. 请继续关注.



  • Writer and food blogger Tenaya Darlington’94 teaches writing at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. One of her recent books is about 的 iconic Philly cheese shop Di Bruno Bros. 奶酪之家.

    How to Cure 首页sickness: Try 的 Salami and Cheese

  • Basic Elmos, Crawford Gates, and 校友-Student Connections


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