Three alumni enter public health programs in the Twin Cities

19岁的易汉娜,20岁的费维·拉米雷斯和21岁的杰克·柯林斯第一次见面是在 Beloit Public Health Initiative (BPHI), 一个为伯洛伊特社区提供健康相关资源的校园团体. They encouraged each other to get master of public health degrees, and now they’re together at the University of Minnesota.

当19岁的汉娜·伊(Hannah Yee)向20岁的法维·拉米雷斯(Favi Ramirez)询问有关明尼苏达大学公共卫生硕士项目的更多信息时,连锁反应开始了.

“我很兴奋地得知,Favi比我早一年攻读妇幼保健硕士学位,” Hannah recalls. “She sold me on the school. 她解释说,她的教授们非常善解人意,也很有个性,她很享受在双子城的生活.”

Not long after, Hannah became involved in the Beloiters Helping Beloiters program, which aimed to help students graduating during the pandemic, serving as a mentor for none other than her fellow BPHI alum, Jack Collins’21. 但他们并不知道他们都是前往明尼阿波利斯,直到他们已经被接受为同一个社区健康促进公共卫生硕士队列.

Since this past fall, 这三人经常会面,而且不只是讨论公共卫生问题, though the topic seemed inescapable some days.

汉娜说:“我们三个人经常一起出去玩,我喜欢更多地了解他们。. “We sometimes go out and eat dinners together, do lap swimming together three times a week, and have classes with each other.”

Time for you to meet them, too.


法维·拉米雷斯(Favi Ramirez)对社区公共卫生教育的热情始于高中,当时她是米克瓦挑战基金会(Mikva Challenge Foundation)在全市卫生委员会的青少年健康倡导者. 她调查了芝加哥的性传播感染率和青少年意外怀孕, and with the council, 发起了一场社交媒体活动,并对芝加哥公立学校系统的性教育课程进行了讨论.

“我在青年赋权方面的经历对我对公共卫生和青年声音的理解产生了重大影响,” Favi says.

Favi’s advocacy continued at Beloit, where she majored in health and society and minored in Spanish. She focused much of her research on social determinants of health, such as race, ethnicity, and economic status, and how they relate to pre- and postnatal care. A first-generation college student, 她被授予贝洛伊特的卡明斯社区卫生奖和SSEC格雷斯和劳伦斯·奥斯利奖. She also led both the Spanish Club and BPHI.

“我学到了持续支持的重要性,”她谈到她在BPHI的社区工作时说. “我真的很喜欢每年在同龄人中建立一个社区, 谁对公共卫生抱有同样的热情,并带来了不同的生活经验和技能.”

在大流行的最初几个月,Favi从伯洛伊特大学毕业. By the fall, 她已经报名参加了她的妇幼保健课程——尽管在国际卫生危机期间学习公共卫生存在固有的挑战, but because of them.



我喜欢与社区一起工作,发现公共卫生涵盖了所有问题... “我喜欢与社区合作,发现公共卫生包括围绕社会正义和卫生公平的所有问题.” –Hannah Yee’19

Psychology major and museum studies 未成年人易汉娜(Hannah Yee)受到启发,立志从事公共卫生事业 Ron Watson, her Honors Term 导师,BPHI顾问,健康与社会与政治学副教授.

“He shaped my time at Beloit,” Hannah says. “The way he teaches about the world is very eye-opening.”

For her Honors Term, 汉娜对洛克县的高性传播感染率和阿片类药物流行的交叉点进行了研究,她将这些知识纳入了她的社区组织和BPHI的领导中.

“作为BPHI的一部分,极大地影响了我选择进入公共卫生领域,因为我喜欢与社区合作,发现公共卫生包括围绕社会正义和健康公平的所有问题,” she says.

汉娜在家乡旧金山的一家环保非营利组织工作两年后重返校园. 她对保护人类健康权利的热情使她顺利完成了向研究生院的过渡.

“Going back to school has been a shock and a big adjustment, 但我非常感谢我在伯洛伊特的教育,因为它使我能够理解理论, conceptual models, and contribute to class discussions,” says Hannah.

我在伯洛伊特接受的教育鼓励我适应不断变化的公共卫生领域... 我在伯洛伊特接受的教育鼓励我适应不断变化的公共卫生领域和世界.” –Jack Collins’21


明尼苏达州人杰克·柯林斯想要找到方法来融入他的生活 philosophy major into the public health field. 公共政策完全符合他的要求——他不需要等到明尼阿波利斯去尝试.

“《十大菠菜台子》让我深刻理解了伦理在我们日常生活中所扮演的角色, particularly in the healthcare system,” Jack says. “[Professor of Philosophy] Matt Tedesco 鼓励我用跨学科的方法和解决方案来接近我的哲学专业和对公共卫生的兴趣.”

Jack was constantly on the move while he was a Beloit student. Besides his role in BPHI, he was also a Resident Assistant, Student Excellence and Leadership (SEL) mentor, and a regular participant in Sustained Dialogue — to name just a few. 杰克善于与人建立联系并帮助他们找到解决办法, 他最近成为公共卫生学院流行病学和社区卫生部门的饮食采访者也就不足为奇了.



February 28, 2022

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