

Increase the number of Black 工作人员, faculty, and trustees through recruitment and



  • 我们将雇佣更多的黑人教职员工, and ensure that the community we have now continues to be supported and valued by the College.
  • We will improve our ongoing relationships with Black Beloit alumni.
  • 我们将建立一个更加多元化的董事会.


  • We’ll review and optimize every aspect of our hiring and employment process (search, 广告, and interviewing) to improve the diversity of our applicant pool.
  • We’ll enhance on-boarding and mentoring programs for new and continuing employees.
  • We’ll continue to strengthen practices that enhance equitable employee searches.
  • We’ll strengthen efforts to build direct connections with Beloit’s Black alumni.
  • We’ll implement increasingly 有效的 recruitment and 保留 practices for Black trustees.


  • 增加了黑人候选人的搜索数量
  • 增加黑人教授的数量
  • 黑人员工比例更高
  • 更多的黑人董事加入我们的董事会



Build on our ongoing commitment to enroll and retain domestic Black students.


  • 我们将增加黑人学生的入学人数.
  • We will improve 保留 by ensuring that our Black students feel seen and supported and have a strong sense of belonging as they continue and complete their Beloit education.


  • We will broaden our outreach to diverse communities of prospective students, 并提供清晰的, accurate information about the resources and support that Black students have at Beloit.
  • We will strengthen our support for Beloit’s community of Black students by various means, including building more connections between our Black alumni and current students.
  • We will ensure that our Black students are em权力ed to speak up and advocate for themselves, 让我们知道我们可以在哪些方面做得更多.


  • 在我们的申请者中增加黑人学生的数量
  • Increase in the percentage of Black students in our first year class
  • Higher percentage of Black students in total student population
  • Greater number of Black students retained from first to sophomore year
  • Black students having a greater sense of connection and belonging at Beloit



继续确保学生参与种族问题, 性, 权力, 特权, 反种族主义, 以及整个大学的反黑人运动.


  • We will add courses and learning experiences to ensure that issues of race, 性, 权力, 特权, 反种族主义, 和anti-blackness are part of every Beloit student’s education.
  • 我们将与教师合作, 工作人员, and student leaders to center these issues in extracurricular experiences and student organizations.


  • We’ll provide anti-种族主义 training to student leaders: residential assistants, 组织人员, 导师, 等.
  • We’ll continue to offer the anti-种族主义 Advanced Mentoring Program (AMP) sessions for all first-year students
  • We’ll expand our current programming that provides curricular support for anti-种族主义 work


  • Increase in the percentage of students who complete coursework that centers these issues
  • Increase in the number of training sessions across the Beloit campus for students
  • A larger number of educational opportunities engaging these issues



继续确保教师, 工作人员, 理事们也会参与种族问题, 性, 权力, 特权, 反种族主义, 和anti-blackness.


  • 我们将确保伯洛伊特的教职员工, 工作人员, and trustees participate in educational and training opportunities to engage with issues of race, 权力, 性, 特权, 反种族主义和反黑人.


  • 我们将创造更多的教育和培训机会, and continue to update and improve the opportunities that exist already.
  • We’ll review and refine our hiring and on-boarding processes to center these training opportunities.


  • Greater number of education and training opportunities for faculty
  • Greater number of education and training opportunities for 工作人员
  • Greater number of education and training opportunities for trustees
  • Increase in percentage of Beloit faculty who attend education and training sessions
  • Increase in percentage of Beloit 工作人员 who attend education and training sessions
  • Increase in percentage of Beloit trustees who attend education and training sessions



Expand safe, inclusive spaces for Black students— residentially, 社会ly, and academically.


  • We will expand the availability of and satisfaction with inclusive residential, 社会, 以及校园里的学术空间.


  • We are creating spaces designed to provide our Black students with a sense of belonging and community on a welcoming and safe campus.
  • We’ll create an anti-种族主义 and inclusive plan for whole campus space use, 包括住宅空间


  • 增加校园内的包容性空间
  • Higher percentage of Black students who are satisfied with spaces on campus



确保一个有效和高效的过程来解决偏见, 种族主义, and discriminatory acts that include accountability measures and restorative justice practices.


  • We will improve the current policies while centering the student experience.
  • 我们将确保处理仇恨行为的程序, 仇恨犯罪, 偏见事件是显而易见的, 有效的, 和高效的.
  • We will continue to imbed restorative justice approaches into our policies and procedures.


  • We will ensure our policies are easy to access on the Beloit website.
  • 我们将生成汇总报告.
  • 我们将扩大训练有素的有偏见的事件应急人员队伍.
  • We will create continued opportunities for ongoing restorative justice training for biased incident responders and the campus community.


  • Increase in student, faculty, and 工作人员 awareness of the Anti-hate / Bias Incident policy
  • 减少报告事件的百分比


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