资源 & 机会

Practical experience is baked in to a 贝洛伊特 education.

贝洛伊特 students explore their own entrepreneurial skills in the Makers Lab at the Center for Entreprene... 贝洛伊特 students explore their own entrepreneurial skills in the Makers Lab at the Center for Entrepreneurship in Liberal Education (CELEB) 在伯洛伊特市中心.


It’s normal for 贝洛伊特 students to launch their own start-up businesses, 有多次暑期实习经历, 申请资助到海外做研究, 并与当地的非营利组织合作 这些都是他们学习的一部分. Here’s a sampling of our programs on campus 和 in the community. 我们的 职业中心 我能帮你找到更多吗.


贝洛伊特 offers dozens of ways for you to turn academic theories into working ideas, practice what you learn in professional settings,并在课堂上把它们结合起来.

学生座谈会 gives students the opportunity to present their 研究 to students, 工作人员, 教师和校友.



近40年来, we’ve canceled classes for one day each spring to allow students to present their original 研究 to the 贝洛伊特 community.


A 十大菠菜台子 student does an internship in the city of 贝洛伊特 at the 社区行动 Center.



Students have many opportunities to gain practical experience (和 credit) from 实习, 研究, 和 other opportunities with local businesses 和 nonprofits.


十大菠菜台子 students spend a day in Chicago at the annual 经济学的一天 learning 和 networking with alumni about business opportunities.



This annual event allows econ majors to connect with alumni in the field to explore their professional options after 贝洛伊特.


十大菠菜台子 麦克奈尔的学者 Summer Institute students

麦克奈尔的学者 Summer Research Institute


Underrepresented students intending to pursue a Ph.D. after graduation spend six weeks on an intensive 研究 project with guidance from a faculty mentor.


Collaboration 和 h和s-on experience are the foundation of the Practicum in Literary Editing, 获得B的课程...



Students serve on the editorial board of this national fiction magazine.


Belmark同事 Quin Brunner '21 (far left) 和 Salma Mohammad Ali'21 (far right), surveyed 和 collected data on 贝洛伊特 nei...



This student-led market-研究 organization is supported by the economics department.


Students learning Japanese culture along with the language in a full immersion style program during 贝洛伊特's Center for Languag...



CLS’s immersion program offers intensive summer courses in Chinese, Japanese, 和 Russian. Students master a year’s worth of language study in seven weeks.

更多的 about 语言研究中心

Jalen Ponder'25 gives a presentation on The Hard Work of Being Lazy, 关注索取的重要性 ...

贝洛伊特 & 除了会议


A yearly showcase where students share what they learned through off-campus study, 实习, 社区参与, 和 other experiential learning opportunities at 贝洛伊特.

更多关于贝洛伊特的信息 & 除了会议


我们的 赋予派驻 带来诺贝尔奖得主, 人权领袖, 和 national poet laureates to campus — not for a day, but for weeks at a time to teach classes, 在项目上合作, 激励学生.

  • Ferrall金斯堡Artists-in-Residence Programs: Distinguished visual or performing artists come to campus to teach 和 perform or exhibit their work.
  • 创意写作的麦基椅子: Mackey scholars are contemporary authors who teach an advanced creative writing class 和 give public readings of their work.
  • 《十大菠菜台子》: This series brings distinguished 和 influential philosophers to campus for two days of talks, 教室参观, 和讲座.
  • 米勒厄普顿论坛: This four-day event is led by renowned visiting economists 和 scholars who invite 贝洛伊特ers to examine the politics of wealth 和 well-being. A student-led speaker series 和 研究 colloquium complements the annual forum.
  • Weissberg人权项目: The Weissberg program fosters awareness of human rights by bringing a leading international human rights scholar to campus; offering student grants 和 scholarships for practical experiences related to social justice; connecting students with alumni in the field; 和 supporting faculty teaching 和 研究 about human rights, 包括 Ousley学者.

Professor Rachel Ellett with Weissberg Chair Joel Simon in class, during the week long Weissberg ... Professor Rachel Ellett with Weissberg Chair Joel Simon in class, during the week long Weissberg program in Human Rights 和 Social Justice.


  • Center for Entrepreneurship in Liberal Education at 贝洛伊特 (CELEB): A resource for students (of all skill levels 和 majors) who want to turn an idea into a business, CELEB包括一个创业孵化器, 学生经营的艺术画廊, 贝洛伊特’s film 和 media production lab, 学生的基础, 音乐录音室, 和 a maker lab for h和s-on creativity 和 collaboration.
  • Two teaching museums 和 college archives: The 莱特艺术博物馆洛根人类学博物馆 还有大学 档案 open their collections to students for 研究, inspiration, 和 a h和s-on minor in museum studies.
  • 亨德里克斯艺术中心: The college’s premier arts-education space includes rehearsal rooms, 工作室, 还有贝洛伊特剧院的表演大厅 演员、音乐家和舞者. Hendricks also houses a film screening room 和 a lighting-design lab.


Broakeen Sheffield’19 has a lot going on all at once, 和 why not? The future pharmacist is making the most of his time at 贝洛伊特, playing 足球和田径,表演,主修 生物化学, 和 writing songs (one even by request for his 环境政策 类).

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